Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2012, The Antichrist and The Second Coming

Is the dark shadow of the 'Antichrist' looming? Is the specter here already? Is the earth preparing for the second coming of the Christ? Both of these theories have been voiced by psychics, sages, religious groups and ordinary people going through near death experiences. The apocalyptic sense of upheaval commonly experienced today, through successive waves of panic, trauma and menace - combined with the instantaneity of communications - has left human consciousness in a pre-tensile state of anticipation.

So what is the reality? In order to understand the question of the 'second coming' - or of the arrival of the Antichrist - we have to look at things in a Christian context. The most global or cosmic context is given by the gospel of St John. There are two very significant indicators here concerning recognition. Firstly, there is oft-depicted scene where Jesus informs the disciples that one of them will betray him. 'Who is it?' they clamor to know. The question of identification is uppermost in their minds. Even though Jesus indicates by his actions who it is, the disciples are unable to understand. At that moment 'Satan' enters into Judas who then leaves the room.

The second question of recognition concerns the divinity of Christ. The disciple Philip says to him, 'Lord, show us the Father and it is enough for us'. Jesus replies with a question: 'Have I been with you all for such a long time and you have not recognized me?' He rebukes them gently for not seeing that the Father is in him. Thus in the context of one sequence in this essential Christian document there are two questions of recognition. The one about recognizing the divine is of course far greater. The other, concerning the betrayer, ends with Judas sloping off into the night, possessed by a demonic intent. In both instances the disciples are not awake enough to make the identification.

I believe that in the discussion of Christ/Antichrist the same question of identification comes down to us today. (You can use your own terms, according to your particular background or beliefs.) In the gospel Christ makes it clear that the principle of recognition is a matter of consciousness, of being awake. The recognition of the divine represents a new or heightened consciousness. The decision to oppose or betray requires a diminution of consciousness, an opening up to the demonic. The demonic demands physical entrance. The divine requires a non-physical acceptance of its own element.

From this it seems clear to me that we would be very dull in our senses or apprehension if we expected a second coming on the physical plane. On the other hand it is also apparent that the counterforce, the demonic, is constantly trying to infiltrate itself into physical thought and action. The two forces are diametrically opposed. The second one is like the force of gravity. The first is its opposite - the force which attracts life upwards. It doesn't cajole, or attack or persuade - it just asks you to see, to recognize. It precisely doesn't need a physical form.

When the light is strongest the shadow is darkest. The second coming is an overwhelming inner sense of the way forward, of the validity of existence and the permanence of the inner being. Those things are the answer to the trauma and panic of our times. The light of the world is present in us and around us now. Its menacing counterpart, the dark shadow, is also stalking the earth, urging itself into physical manifestation. The brighter the light shines, the harder the shadow becomes until it is there - walking among us. Again it's a question of recognition: Satan went out the door with Judas but he comes back in again in his own form.

We may expect to see him as an 'Antichrist'. But isn't this looking too far from home? Isn't he present in a more immediate way? He is. He is present in the forces which are anti-Christ in us. Thus he is present particularly in hatred and vengeance. When we give way to hatred and vengeance we are anti-christ. These are not merely feelings - they are forms of possession. And the possession grows rapidly more present in our 'apocalyptic' times. Love and forgiveness are the opposites of course.

An actual incarnation of the Antichrist? Perhaps. Who and when? Well, to know the sun is to know the shadow. Learn the form, the being, the deeds of the Light - recognize them truly, come to them in yourself - and you will be in no doubt about the identity of evil: in yourself and in the world, in human shape.

Best wishes, today,
Jay Landar

Jay Landar is a poet, author and storyteller. He lives and works in Kilkenny, Ireland. Landar is the author of a number of books. He works extensively in schools, arts centres and community venues as a teacher and communicator - and with particular pleasure as a storyteller. With long experience in the areas of inner development, meditation and spirituality, Landar has created unique resources of poetic wisdom and insight. These beautifully crafted works are available to everyone through his websites PageLight and Light on the Page. Contact details can be found on those sites - Jay Landar is always ready to respond to questions or to provide information on a variety of subjects. He would be particularly delighted to hear your comments on the articles here in Ezine!




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